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Are you a Leader or a Follower❓

🔺 Visionary Leader is an individual that’s innovative and has a creative unique approach to things. They inspire their peers or people around them.

🔺 Followers want direction, they need step by step instructions on how to do things.

🛎Which one are you?

This post is very dear to me because I’m noticing that God is moving me into a leadership role in my career. Quite frankly, it’s been the hardest thing for me to understand. I’ve had the most difficult time trying to put into words how I'm supposed to handle this. But it’s really not in my control. Meaning, I’ve been praying for somethings and now God is answering my request.

People often think they know what a leader is versus a follower. Leader: is the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.Follower: a person who moves or travels behind someone or something.

In this case, you must know your capabilities, talents, and strengths/weaknesses to be able to figure out if you fall into either category. Knowing these basic details about yourself allows you to find your purpose and began to operate in your purpose.

Leadership requires a level of maturity and a certain amount of peace. In order to lead people, you must learn to deal with snide comments and rude gestures that people give you. The growth of leadership brings out the great hidden qualities that you never knew you had. In my case, God is positioning me in the front to get me to see that I’m special. For years, I thought of myself as average but I noticed that God had something different in mind. All I’m saying is let God lead you and align you to your destiny.

Leadership isn’t for the faint heart. Natural born leaders are judged daily by their outspoken views and natural ability to take charge in any situation. Being a leader comes with many responsibilities and wear different hats. Leadership requires the ability to take control of a situation or guide people.

Leaders are often misunderstood and looked down on by their peers. Most times a leader is considered an unorthodox in their decision making but it’s always a method to their madness. Leaders never allow weak-minded people to Intimidate them because their strong nature allows them to think beyond that moment. Lastly, I've learned that true leadership comes with much strength and determination. They shouldn’t allow situations and the people around them to get stressed. Always Be Honest. Practice what you preach to become a successful leader in your personal life and workplace.

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