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Be Stronger than your Excuses

Updated: May 13, 2021

During this quarantine, I’ve learned a lot about myself! Basically like what I like vs. what I don’t like etc. Honestly, it has changed my perception of life around me! In realization, I’m not going to take my health and essentials materials for granted anymore. My quarantine schedule consists of home workouts on YouTube and a brisk walk/run around the neighborhood. For the first few weeks, I had to talk to myself out of making excuses not to eat junk food over healthier options or working out!

Sometimes our excuses cause us to delay the goal we set out to accomplish! I hate to say this but I allow my fears to get the way of my dreams. Meaning, I know once I reach a healthy weight I will feel better! But I struggle with making excuses that don't get me closer to healthy! TODAY!! I’m going to be better and I’m going to treat my body better! So..for me I’m going make small goals then track my progress from there!

Lastly, my weight and overall health have always been something that I cherished! But I noticed when I‘m stressed or in a panic, I neglect my basic needs. My body is my temple and I have to nurture it!

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