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Confidence Mirror

This post speaks volumes for me because it took me a while to gain my confidence in myself. For years, I struggled with understanding the unique qualities that make me stand out. As a child, I experienced body shaming, bullying, and critical critiques from people that I trusted. So, for a while, I didn't know that confidence is within and you have to own it! My mom always told me that Confidence is considered an IT factor! Either you have it or you don't!

Confidence allows you to step outside the box and so you can live your best life. Honestly, at twenty-eight, I mastered how to take great selfies and document my new found talents. I noticed that the needed to restructure the way I do things and how I feel about myself.

Confidence a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. It's one of those qualities that hard to find! You have to take the time to get to know yourself. What helped me was recognizing my strengths and weaknesses regarding my confidence. With recognizing those things, I felt like I couldn't do it on my own without the help of God. I allowed God to reveal himself to me and I used prayer as a way to get closer to God. The prayers helped build my self-esteem and self-worth. Below are some tips to help you build your confidence.


Write out your goals (Short Terms & Long Terms)

Start Journaling

Start work on one goal at a time.

Pray daily

Find a quote or saying that speaks to you!

Speak or say daily affirmations to yourself.

The goal of this post is to allow you to reflect on how to build your confidence. What you see in the mirror is a reality but change it by taking the first step.

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