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Generational Wealth: How to build a legacy!

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Have your parents taught you about building wealth?

When I was a little girl my mom taught my sister and I the importance of going to college majoring in a profitable profession that produces wealth and success. With our college degrees, we are able to create side businesses that bring extra income. My mom was a very hard working woman that groomed us for greatness in all areas of life because she wanted us to be successful. I feel like she prepared me to be the woman I am today! My sister and I are college graduates that are building two or three businesses to create multiple strings of income.

Building wealth isn’t just working a job but building a career, business, vision, maximizing your net worth. It's about finding a career that you can work for a while to gain experience. I’ve learned that gaining the proper experience in your job will help to establish your future plans. Meaning that you can start saving for your 401k, Roth IRA, or rainy day. Proper planning can spark ideas and a vision for a business or company.

Scripture: New Living Translation

  • Habakkuk 2:2 “Write your vision and make it plain”.

Helpful Hint: Start writing out your vision and be very detailed.

Are you preparing for the next generation?

When you properly plan your business or company just know that you won’t live forever but you have started putting things in place for the next generation. Preparing for the next generation is mastering your business or company and creating employment for your children. For Example, Diddy is a prime example of preparing for the next generation. With his company Bad Boys Inc., he has created a billion-dollar company for each of the children to work in. (fashion, liquor, branding, etc) .Each of his children has a particular role or duty in his company which brings them instant wealth. I want to encourage you to create a business that creates something for the generations after you can work.

Lastly, building wealth isn’t an easy thing to do! It takes trial and error to build a business or profitable company. Don’t give up on your dream or vision!!

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