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Social Media vs. Reality

The illusion of social media nowadays has tainted our perception of what beauty is. Social media has women changing natural bodies and jeopardizing their health to enhance a certain asset to get approval from friends or people they don’t know. But in reality, all that hard work to impress this crazy social media world has made us forget who we really are. All I’m saying is social media wants us to believe that “likes” equate to validation.

Being validated by people is a crazy way to say you’re a “people pleaser”. Or in other words, you look for people to tell you who you are. I wish people knew that you don’t need validation from people to feel secure. It takes much understanding that you have to be whole within you first. Confidence is an inside job! You have to have confidence in yourself first.

Feeling secure about who you allow you to have boldness. Having boldness is a trait that gives you the courage to stand firm in who you are. In order, to walk in boldness you have known that you’re not everyone’s cup of tea and THAT’S OKAY!! Too many people worry about what others think about them. Sometimes women tend to start to acting or dressing like the people that they’re trying to please. Honestly, you’ll never please everybody. It’s impossible! In reality, conforming to other people’s views will make you feel like you have to change who you are to fit in.

Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group. I notice that too many women want to change their features or wear a certain brand of clothes to fit in with trends. Be trendy is more important to certain people due to the fact it will get them noticed by a certain type of guy or run with a certain crowd.

Conformity makes you adopt a certain matching attitude, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms or politics. Meaning that if you don’t know who you are will start confirming to the people around you! The life that you trying to live will drain you because it’s not you!

Our social media experience has tainted the way we interact or communicate with each other. Technology has made us as human beings so unapproachable and so self-absorbed it’s crazy. I know, we see so many celebrities that have beautiful curves and designer brand deals.

Which makes us want to be like them! I know it’s hard seeing Megan the Stallion and Kash Doll on Instagram with their curvy figures. But you got to understand that your body isn’t ugly and we’re not to suppose to look like anybody else.

I know you enjoy seeing how many likes you get on Instagram to make it seem like you got it. Don’t allow what you see on social media make you feel that your body has to look a certain way to be considered poppin’. You’re Poppin just the way YOU ARE!

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