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The Misunderstood Millennial

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

This post has been so hard to write because I had to understand the emotions behind it. Especially, my emotions because this conservation made me mad for a few days and it took much prayer to let it go lol... So, a few weeks ago I had a conservation with an older lady at my job about our weekend and how we enjoyed our church sermon this past Sunday. As the conservation starts the older lady stating that her pastor preached a sermon about why people don't what to come to church at this time. Also, how there are only older people wanting and respecting God's word.

She went in to state her opinion of the younger generations are not dedicated and wanting everything fast. While she was talking I instantly wanted to cut her off but I heard her out even though to me it sounded soo wrong. Wrong meaning that she doesn't understand young people like myself don't want to go to church regularly or is tired of being criticized by older people. Quite frankly, this conservation had my blood boiling because this older lady has no clue what's like to be a millennial right now. So, I politely let her finish her ignorant statement about what she thought she knew.

I started by saying that I respect your opinion but the reason why don't come to church regularly is that we want something real from God. We as millennials want realness and not a show from the leaders or be around people that constantly judge us. I went on to tell her that these older people do too much and don't want to get to know us. Older people, always talk about how millennial's have so much more than they had when they were younger which is true. Basically, the point of this blog is to inform the older generation that we are not all bad and we want God as much as they do. Below, I'm going to list some points to help them understand us better!

The Misconceptions of Millennial's

* We're entitled

* Technology Driven

* Has No Respect

* Need constant praise

* Always chasing the bag

Why we are different than any generation

* We are waiting later to have kids

* We are creative

* We show no fear

*Very innovative

*We are willing to step out on faith ( starting a business, entrepreneur, etc.)

* We are a lot healthier

Lastly, I feel that the older generation can learn so much from us. They have to be willing to listen. Wake up older people! Millennials can change your life! :)

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