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The Season of Transitioning..

When you’re in a season of transition it doesn’t always feel good or goes the way you want it to be! Transition is the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like God has me in a period of being uncomfortable. It seems like everything is irritating me to the point where I have to trust God. Trusting God takes much patience and understanding. God usually doesn’t let you know that you’re transitioning until all hell breaks loose.

Transitioning spiritually is when you are forced to evolve spiritually beyond what you are. It is not something that is happening to you without your permission, even though it may feel that way.

In the season of transition has caused me to embrace where God is taking me. Meaning, you have understood once you align with your purpose then you’ll begin to understand God's voice. Eventually, you’ll see everything or everyone will start to shift away. This lets you know that God's way of getting you to your purpose is cutting some things away and remove people that hinder you.

Spiritual Transitioning moves you to new places and opens new doors. News places and open doors are an indication that your blessings are on the way. In this short period of time, I felt like spiritual transition or shifting occurs when I’ve positioned myself or in alignment according to my purpose. When you’re walking in purpose you tend to attract what works for you.

Lastly, if you’re going through a season of transitioning at this moment it is because you have something special that God sees within you. Just know that God doesn’t take you through a transition without a plan for your life. In the season of transition, you’ll go through a lot to get your designed destiny. Basically, embrace where God has you and know that change is part of the journey.

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