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Ways to use a vision board to manifest things your life

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

Every year my mom, sister, and I create vision boards to help us manifest our goals and dreams for the upcoming year.


Vision Boards are designed to give you a way to organize your thoughts. Also, a vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do, or have in your life.

In order to create your vision board you must:

•Set goals and prioritize what you want your board to symbolize.

*Create a basic structure for your vision board.

*Write goals and ideas on your poster board.

*Find images and words for the vision board. (Describes you) Sort and arrange the images and words.

*Edit and create your goal board. Glue down your images or print out pictures etc.

*Add your own words, doodles, or sketches.

*Use magazines to help bring your vision to life.

What's the purpose of a vision board:

The reason that vision boards work so great is that you visually see them every day. Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do. Even when you face setbacks, that vision board will still be there ready to motivate you all over again.

Mini Testimony: I‘ve realized that my vision board has helped me visualize my short term goals and long term goals. For me, my weight loss journey has been something I’ve always wanted to get back to. Over the years, I’ve been so inconsistent with taking care of my self. Lastly, my vision board help manifests my dreams of traveling on a budget and being at peace in every area of my life. I pray your vision board very beneficial for you!

Lastly, have fun!!!

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