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Wealth Is Coming... Will you be ready??

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

This little girl in this picture is me! Little did I know that this picture would be featured in this blog post. But it has sparked so many memories in me because I remember this day last it was yesterday lol...

As I begin to outline the beginning steps I take to attract wealth, I hope that you get inspired and charged up to prepare your stream of wealth.

How do you define wealth?

Wealth measures the value of all the assets of worth owned by a person, community, company, or country. In order to determine a person’s wealth is by evaluating their total market value of all physical and intangible assets owned, then subtracting all debts. (Jim Chappelow). When I think of wealth, I think of freedom and hard work. The scripture Amos 9:13-15 gives you faith to speak things into existence. I’m believing with everything in me that I will become a young millionaire this year.

Working the scripture

During this quarantine, I’ve been feeling like it’s going to be a wave of wealthy millionaires and billionaires on the rise! The wave of wealth will come to the individuals that are in the right position to receive the wealth transfer. Yes!! I said it.. a wealth transfer is coming and you have to be ready to receive it! But peep this tho, this wave is only for the faithful and the humble people that are living right! Not to go super deep but you have to get in alignment to receive the blessings.

My goal is to show other young millennial women how to authentically get it out of the mud and stay consistent with their craft. By continuing to document my wellness journey through consistency and hard work. Yes, I know it won't be easy but it will be worth it! With everything going on I feel like now is a perfect time to create something that speaks for you and to you! Our generation has become the most influential game changers and trendsetters of the 21st century. Its TIME to CREATE!


The funny thing is that in the early part of January my mom and I had an in-depth conversation about goals, adulthood, and essential tips to help me prepare for the upcoming year. During our talk, she encouraged and praised me on my hard work but she felt I needed to tighten up on a few things. My mom is the type of mom that stresses the importance of being prepared and having a rainy day fund just in case you have an emergency or situation. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on that conversation so much that it has inspired me to continue to focus on the important things. But, I never knew that the next few months would be very shaky and low key, kinda scary due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite all of the craziness, I’ve managed to release my very first ebook, work on my finances, and my personal growth, etc.

My overall success as an individual to both of my parents. Both of my parents shaped and molded my sister and I for greatness. They’ve introduced us to the art of business and entrepreneurship at a very young age. Growing up, my mom and dad had a shared business where they sold vinyl records, CDs/ cassette tapes, and braiding hair/ accessories, etc. As a young little girl, I used to see my parents hosting parties for the local community and funding upcoming hairstylist hair tools for their business. They were always sharing what they’ve learned with others and helping people along the way. Which were great qualities to have!

The art of business was taught to us at a young age and to help prepare us for our future businesses. I discovered that everyone isn’t blessed to know how to run a business and attract wealth. Being able to attract wealth is a gift and it is a true talent to have. My parents explained to my sister and I that everyone may not understand your business but DO IT ANYWAY!! That push has modeled to my sister and I how to properly set up their businesses by using the art of the hustle. The art of hustle is the way a person properly executes their plan to build their vision in order to work smarter.

I’ve learned that being a businesswoman is much more than creating something and having nice things. It’s about how you manage the little you have no matter the situation and be humble! In this season, it's important to stay true to your self and do what's right. So, I honestly, try my best to stay prayed up and ask God to cover me through this season. Because I don’t want to miss my blessings after this pandemic! As I said, there will be a blessing after this pandemic and you have to be prepared for it. Lastly, Wealth Is Coming...Will you be ready??

Below will be some Wealth Tips to get you started:

  • Preparedness is key: Getting your credit and bills in order. Balancing your checkbooks etc. Take the time to clean out or remove items and things that are not serving the purpose for you in this season.

  • Cutting old ties: I’ve learned that some people are seasonal, temporary, or forever. Some people can’t enjoy your company and the greatness you have. Also, certain people shouldn‘t have access to your greatness.

  • Study/ Research your craft: you should educate yourself on business or company that you’re preparing to run/own.

  • Embracing your creativity: Own that you’re different and unique in your own special way. Being different allows you to express your creativity in various ways. Don’t be afraid to try new things and ways to get your creativity to shine.

  • Step out on faith: Take that leap of faith that sets you apart or makes you unique. Example: You want to become a Clothing Designer but you’re afraid of failing but instead of pouting you should design something that speaks to you as a person. Like Anifa Mvuemba, she changes the game with her 3D virtual fashion show. Ultimately, she has a vision for craft and she made it happen.

  • Live in the moment: Focus on the right now moment! Oftentimes, people forget to live in the moment and focus on their future. I found that your right holds important elements that guide you into your future.

  • Open Bank Account: Making sure your bank account is open to receive any unexpected blessings. No bank account in the negatives or overdrawn.


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